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Join the Effingham PTO; image with hands and hearts

President:  Joanna Bull
Vice President:  Amanda Murphy 
Secretary:  Stacey Farley
Treasurer:  Jen Williams
Board Member:  Kristin Lavrich
Board Member:  Christine Curtis
Board Member:  Allen Curtis


Parent involvement is great for children, great for teachers and great for the school.  When parents get involved in their children’s education it pays off!
But I don’t have time  Just two hours a year can really make a difference! We have jobs you can do from home.
Won’t you join us?  The research is clear – children at schools with a broad base of involved families perform markedly better on all kinds of key school measures.  

Your help matters! 
Please see the bi-weekly Newsletter for the next meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact
All families are automatically members of the PTO.  Meeting attendance is required for voting rights.