President: Joanna Bull
Vice President: Amanda Murphy
Secretary: Stacey Farley
Treasurer: Jen Williams
Board Member: Kristin Lavrich
Board Member: Christine Curtis
Board Member: Allen Curtis
Parent involvement is great for children, great for teachers and great for the school. When parents get involved in their children’s education it pays off!
But I don’t have time Just two hours a year can really make a difference! We have jobs you can do from home.
Won’t you join us? The research is clear – children at schools with a broad base of involved families perform markedly better on all kinds of key school measures.
Your help matters!
Please see the bi-weekly Newsletter for the next meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact
All families are automatically members of the PTO. Meeting attendance is required for voting rights.
PTO Bylaws
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
- September, 2023
- June, 2023
- May, 2023
- April, 2023
- March, 2023
- February, 2023
- January, 2023
- December, 2022
- November, 2022
- October, 2022
- September, 2022
- August, 2022
September, 2023
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting
Attendance: Jen Williams, Stacey Farley, Amanda Murphy, Joanna Bull, Brenda Lush, Kristin Lavrich, Christine Curtis, Allen Curtis, Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:04
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: 6:43 - Joanna, Jen
Principal’s Report:
- EES opened with 108 students/84 families
- You'll notice a new basketball court on the side of the school that was installed this summer. Some finishing touches need to happen, but we're excited!
- We are all reading Because of the Rabbit by Cynthia Lord. She will be working with students on 10/17/23
- Picture day is on 9/14/23
- Our first fire drill will be on 9/21/2023
- EES is celebrating a 20 year anniversary and will host a community Open House event on 9/28/2023.
- Walk to School Day is on 10/4/2023. We will be meeting at the Town Offices at 8:30am and walking to school together from there. Buses will drop kids off at the Town Offices that morning.
- The school board will be meeting at EES on 10/2/23. Fourth grade will be sharing their work with recorders!
- EES has started Christmas/Holiday card construction and will be selling custom, one of a kind holiday cards this fall!
- No School on 10/9/2023
Treasurer’s Report –
- Get Jen Williams up to date with her name on PTO account and need to get online access
- Joanna will stay on account as a backup
Title I: Surveys go out this month and we will discuss them at the October 10, 2023 mtg
New Business:
PTO Fundraisers:
- Mums fundraiser (September) - going with Key Floral $4.25 a plant - Kristin will ask Library do orders; fb advertise
- Street dance at EPL - bake sale - October 14 - check with Renee about baking
- look into permits for raffles
- Bake sales (October)
Table to next meeting:
- Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov) - go with Morriseys
- Family Winter Dance (January)
Board Nominations and Elections -
Elected 2 more board members - Christine Curtis nominated Allen Curtis and Kristin Lavrich. All voted and approved
- went over Bylaws
- get new insurance for the pto board
Next Meeting: Oct 10, 2023
New board members and positions for the 2023-24 EES School Year:
Joanna Bull - President
Amanda Murphy - Vice President
Jen Williams - Treasurer
Stacey Farley - Secretary
Kristin Lavrich - Board Member
Christine Curtis - Board Member
Allen Curtis - Board Member
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
June, 2023
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting
June 8, 2023
Attendance: Joanna Bull, Amanda Murphy, Melanie Jones, Stacey Farley, Jen Williams, Patti Morrissey
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:01pm
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer Williams, seconded by Stacey Farley
President’s Report:
Principal’s Report:
- Two sixth grade students were honored at Ossipee Valley Rotary Citizenship dinner
- TIGER performed at EES – enjoyed by all
- KRHS NHS ReadProgram performed for grades K-3
- Afterschool programs: LegoRobotics & Spanish - great success!
- Talent Show – great success!
- Ecology School – great success!
- Concord & School to Farm – great success!
- KRMS visit - great success!
- District Retirement Reception held - no retirees from EES this year.
- Spring Concert - great success!
- Coming up:
- Lego Workshop with Cody Wells - 6/9/23
- Volunteer Celebration - 6/12/23
- Gr 6 Field Trip - 6/12/23
- Gr. K & 1 - Planetarium Visit - 6/13
- Gr. 4-6 Egg Drop - 6/13
- Gr. 6 - Bridges Day - 6/14
- Field Day K-6 - 6/19
- Ice cream social - 6/19
- Gr. 6 Promotion - 6/19
- Last Day/Half Day - 6/20
Treasurer’s Report:
- discussed baskets, checks, receipts, and end of the year transportation costs
Meeting Minutes:
- Wrote down list of pto mtg dates for 2023-4 school year (all on Tuesdays) :
- 8/11/23 (cancelled over summer due to schedules of board members)
- 9/12/23; 10/10/23; 11/14/23; 12/5/23; 1/9/24; 2/13/24; 3/5/24; 4/2/24; 5/7/24; 6/4/24
Title I: end of the year survey from parents
Old Business N/A
New Business:
Effingham street fair ( decision over summer to not take part bc of schedule conflicts)
PTO Proposed Fundraisers for 2023-24
Bake sales (Oct & Nov)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)
Family Winter Dance (January)
Board Nominations and Elections -
Hello EES families! The school year will soon be upon us. We are letting you all know that our
very first PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12th at 6pm.
We are also looking to fill one more board member spot for our 2023-2024 school year. This is a
floating position to help in areas of highest need through the year. Our EES board members
voted in on June 8,2023 for the 2023-2024 school year are:
President - Joanna Bull
Vice President - Amanda Murphy
Treasurer - Jennifer Williams
Secretary - Stacey Farley
Next Meeting
Originally August 11, 2023 but changed over summer of 2023 to:
September 12, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
May, 2023
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting
May 15, 2023
Attendance: Joanna Bull, Melanie Jones, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, Amanda Murphy, and Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:07 by Joanna
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: 7:06pm by Jennifer Williams, 2nd by Amanda Murphy
President’s Report:
Principal’s Report:
- Thank you for the wonderful treats for Teacher Appreciation Week
- Effingham is the proud home of the District Spelling Bee winner (Oliver Moss) and runner up Aria French)!
- Kindergarten registration registered 15 students
- Curriculum night for grades 2 & 3 was a success
- Basket sales are underway. Classrooms with the most tickets sold will receive some sort of treat. Drawing will be at the Talent Show on May 25. Baskets on stage if you want to see them. Stacey volunteered to sort tickets into corresponding buckets on the 24th
- The Effingham Conservation Commission awarded winners for the 2023 Poster Contest today
- Thank you for donating $300 to the 6th grade trip
- Thank you for donating $225 to the Ecology School trip/grade 5
- Some upcoming events:
- PSU Tiger at EES May 17th
- National Honor Society from KRHS will work with grades K-3 May 23
- Talent Show May 25
- Memorial Day recognized at school May 26
- No School Memorial Day May 29
- Grade 4 to Concord May 30
- Grade 5 to Ecology School May 30-June 2
- Grade 6 to KRMS visit May 30
- Grade 4 to Remick/School to Farm May 31
- District Retirement party reception June 5 (none from EES)
- EES Spring Concert June 7
- Lego Workshops at EES June 9
- Volunteer Celebration June 12
- Grade 6 to Hilltop June 12
- PTO mtg June 6th (now June 8th)
Treasurer’s Report:
- $459 spent on Teacher Appreciation
- We need to buy some food items for the Talent Show
- Taxes are submitted/E-filed
- Patti will write check to 6th grade for class trip to Hilltop
- Still waiting until June for final tally owed for transportation for 2022/3 school year
Meeting Minutes:
Title I
- Title 1 Evaluations going out at the egg drop of June 13th
- Teachers will fill out Title 1 program evaluation
- Continue to do parent advisory Title 1 mtg same nights before PTO in 2023/34 school year
Old Business:
- PTO Basket Raffle last day to send in $ is May 23rd
New Business:
- 5/15/23 All voting took place tonight for PTO board members for 2023/24 school year
and has been approved for: President- Joanna Bull; Vice President- Amanda
Murphy; Treasurer- Jennifer Williams; Secretary- Stacey Farley
● Change date for next Meeting to June 6th (later via email changed to June 8th due to
board conflicts)
● Will set 2023/24 Calendar at June 8 mtg
PTO Fundraisers
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct, Nov, March)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)-
Family Winter Social - March 10
Spring Baskets for April ‘23
Board Nominations and Elections -
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of May 15, 2023
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting
June 6, 2023 (later changed to June 8, 2023 via email)
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
April, 2023
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting
April 17, 2023
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order:
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn:
President’s Report:
Principal’s Report:
- Thank you for the donation to Ecology School!
- Great turnout at the Rascal Race on Saturday.
- Interest Groups were held today – success!
- Spelling Bee tomorrow.
- Kindergarten Registration tomorrow: 4 and 5:30pm.
- Basket donations coming in.
- Grades 2 and 3 are hosting Curriculum Night on May 4, 2023 at 6pm.
- All students have entered the Effingham Conservation Commission Poster Contest about Bats! - Winners from each classroom will be announced on Monday, May 15, 2023.
- The last day of school has been determined to be June 20. It will be a half day for students. Teachers will work through June 22, 2023.
- Thank you for the contact with C3Brix. We are hoping to host Cody Wells in June for all students.
- Plans for end of year activities are shaping up
- I will be attending the Rotary Scholar Dinner with two sixth graders and their families on our next meeting date! Two sixth graders will be recognized for their service to others!
Treasurer's report:
- Scott Birth will have taxes done by May 1st
- $300 to be given to 6th grade to offset class trip (Hilltop Fun Ctr.) - Joanna nominated it, Jennifer 2nd it
- $225 check was sent to grade 5 ecology trip
- Talks of bring a guest author to school One Book, One School around Oct 15, 2023 for
about $2,000
Old Business:
- 5th grade Ecology school contribution - All set?
- Yes - All set. This donation is allowing the fifth grade to take an “add on” trip to the tide pools without incurring extra cost to families. (P.Morrissey 4/17/2023)
- Basket sales and tickets
- Donations are coming in. Teachers will help to fill out/in the baskets if needed.
- Ticket Sales: 5/1/2023-5/12/2023
- Winners Chosen the week of: 5/15/2023
- Basket pickup/delivery by: 6/1/2023
New Business
● Inquiry from Jen Thomas, Carroll County Coalition for Public Health
● PTO Board Nominations - Voting at May meeting
● Request from 6th grade
PTO Fundraisers
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct, Nov, March)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)-
Family Winter Social - March 10
Spring Baskets for April ‘23
Board Nominations and Elections -
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of March 20, 2023
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting
April 17, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
March, 2023
February, 2023
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting
February 13, 2023
Joanna Bull, Melanie Jones, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, and Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:06 p.m.
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer motioned to adjourn at 7:25. Joanna seconded it.
President’s Report:
- discussion of upcoming events of Snowflake Social & town mtg bake sale
Principal’s Report:
Staff has participated in part one of ADD (Alert, Defend, Deny) training and will continue onto part 2 on March 14th. This is part of the district's continued safety and security training.
Treasurer’s Report:
- current bank statements of PTO checking account is all up to date and reconciled
- 2022 bank statements are completely reconciled
Meeting Minutes:
- discussed needs for the Snowflake Social on 3/10/23 & bake sale at town meeting on 3/18/23
- Set date for zoom call for Joanna, Jen and Stacey to discuss details for Snowflake social on Feb 22 at 7pm (later changed to Feb 23 the week of due to a scheduling conflict)
- Interest groups days for March during school
- Supply needs etc for snowflake social & town meeting bake sale; Jen will make a BJ’s run for supplies, key chains to gift on Amazon by Jen, craft ordered by Stacey on Amazon
- Set date for Title 1 Annual meeting directly before next month’s PTO at 6pm with PTO mtg starting at 6:30 on March 20, 2023
Title I:
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 Parental Involvement Policy
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 2022 Parental Evaluation no
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 Parents/Guardians Right To Know
Old Business:
- N/A
New Business:
- Little Caesar’s fundraiser - possibly April 2023
- Research and ask local businesses about possible Fundraisers/gift cards for spring (Bobby Sue’s, Wooden Spoon, Pizza Barn)
- Decided not to run bake sale in voting day March 14 bc it’s at town hall
- Running bake sale at town mtg on March 18, 2023
PTO Fundraisers:
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct, Nov, March)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)
Family Winter Social - March 10
Discuss Spring Baskets for April ‘23
Board Nominations and Elections -
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of February 13, 2023
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting
March 20, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
January, 2023
Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, and Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:07 p.m.
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer motioned to adjourn at 7:16. Stacey seconded it
President’s Report:
- Joanna updated us on the tax info from 2021 is complete via email in January 2023
Principal’s Report:
- Successful return to school after the holiday break! Absences have not been atypical for January.
- First two Winter Sports day shave been held - two more to go!
- Trimester 2 Interim reports will be sent home this Friday, 2/3/23 (Families can access JumpRope at any time for "five" grades and assignments)
- We are looking forward to a full five day week of school. Last week was only 2.5 days due to 2 snow days and 1 delayed opening.
- National Read Aloud Day is Wednesday, 2/1/23: EES has invited some guest readers to join us.
- Full Moon Snowshoe this Thursday at 6:30PM
- District Deliberative Session on Saturday, 2/4/23.
- EES Staff will join OCS and TCS for Avoid, Deny, Defend training on 2/6/23 - a continuation of our safety plan.
- EES is hosting Spirit Week the week of February 20-24, 2023.
- Specialists (art, music, PE) just completed a book group discussion on Responsive Classroom for Specialists.
- EES held Interest Groups in December and is hoping to host them again in March.
- Literacy Night 2-3 Grades
- No remote learning (1/24/23)
Treasurer’s Report
- we will discuss 2022 reconciliation at Feb 13, 2023 pto mtg
- payment made to Morrissey’s Front Porch of $464
- payment to Scott Birth of $200 for doing pto taxes
- payment to Scott Birth to file taxes of $75
Meeting Minutes:
- discussed needs for the Snowflake Social on 3/10/23 & bake sale at town meeting on 3/18/23
Title I:
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 learning compact
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 engagement guidelines
- Discussed and edited the Title 1 Parents survey
Old Business
- N/A
New Business
- Little Caesar’s fundraiser- possibly April 2023
- Research and ask local businesses about possible Fundraisers/gift cards for spring
(Bobby Sue’s, Wooden Spoon, Pizza Barn)
- Decided not to run bake sale in voting day March 14 bc it’s at town hall
- Running bake sale at town mtg on March 18, 2023
PTO Fundraisers
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct, Nov, March)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)-
Family Winter Dance- March 10
Discuss Easter Baskets at Feb 13, 2023 mtg
FUTURE: Look into wreath fundraiser during August/September 2023
- selling coffee, maybe Lucas Roasting Coffee?
Board Nominations and Elections -
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of January 30, 2023
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting
February 13, 2023
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
December, 2022
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes
December, 5, 2022
Attendance: Joanna Bull, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, and Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:05 PM
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer motioned to adjourn at 7:16PM. Linda seconded it.
President’s Report:
Joanna updated us on the tax info from 2021 and 2022.
Motion to nominate Linda Perrow as PTO treasurer, Stacey seconded nomination (all voted in favor of nomination).
Principal’s Report:
Update that the school will run a clear the hallways and secure campus practice in January.
Upcoming Christmas concert 12/14/22
Treasurer’s Report:
Financial update discussed among board members:
Current balance as of December 5, 2022: $11,953.74 (post pie sales from November 2022)
Meeting Minutes:
Confirmed that our PTO Non-Profit Status was updated in 2020 and will need to be renewed in 2025 after Joanna reviewed past PTO binders.
Title I:
Literacy night of December 8, 2022 for grades K-1. Also a packet to take home for those unable to attend.
Old Business:
Pie sales were successful and will likely do it next school year.
New Business:
Jen will run January meeting Vice Chair.
Set date of Snowflake Social for February 17 (snowdate of Feb 24) 6:30-8:30PM.
Social details: no kids dropped off (must attend with an adult present); kids bop for music; create a sign in/out sheet; for all grades K-6; ask for donations for snacks.
Motion to approve $400 for Social supplies by Stacey, Jen seconded - Approved.
Watch out to PTO of OCS to find out when they are hosting their Little Cesar’s fundraiser as to not overlap.
Board reviewed the 2021 year end summary and reconciliation for the 2021 tax prep.
PTO Fundraisers:
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct & Nov)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)
Family Winter Dance - Feb 17
Look into wreath fundraiser during August/September 2023
Selling coffee, maybe Lucas Roasting Coffee?
Board Nominations and Elections:
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of December 5, 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting: January 24, 2023 (rescheduled to January 30, 2023 bc of snow/school cancellation)
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
November, 2022
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2022
Joanna Bull, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, Linda Perrow, & Melanie Jones
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:05 PM
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer motioned to adjourn at 7:24 PM. Stacey seconded it.
President’s Report:
Joanna reviews bylaws to make sure we are following correct guidelines for meetings, agendas and financial reporting.
Principal’s Report:
Successful Lions club screening
Successful Pumpkin Path - thank you for the pumpkin round up
Successful Halloween parade
Thank you to the student and families who worked with the school board on 11/7/22; great fun was had by all
Parent conferences went well - 92.2% family participation rate
EES will have "Clear the Hallways" practice in December
Pies are here and ready for distribution on 11/21/22
Holiday cards are at the printer and should be ready for distribution by 11/22/22
Treasurer’s Report (albeit no treasurer):
Financial update discussed among board members:
Current balance as of November 14, 2022: $11,195.74
Skiing transportation bill due by end of year
45 pies sold as of 11/14/22. We have extras hoping to sell at pie pick up
Decision to change passwords for Gmail & bank
Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the PTO meeting held on 10/17//22 were reviewed. Jen made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Stacey seconded the motion. All board members are in favor of accepting the minutes.
Title I:
Conversation about TItle 1 events for the year. We are hosting a K-1 curriculum night in Dec. Decisions of how to break up other grades for a literacy night will need to be made. We are also still deciding on an additional event. Will discuss further at the Dec 5, 2022 meeting.
Old Business:
Pies sales were successful and will likely do it next school year.
New Business:
Need to get taxes done for 2021 & set up for 2022. Joanna will be reaching out to our old accountant (Scott Birth) for info and to see if he will do it again this year.
We need to get minutes and agendas posted on EES website - Stacey will get in contact with Sarah Pelletier (KLMC Library Assistant/Effingham Webmaster).
Skiing will be on Thursday’s.
PTO Fundraisers:
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct & Nov)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov) - orders due on 10th
Family Winter Dance - Feb date
Look into wreath fundraiser during August/September 2023
Selling coffee, maybe Lucas Roasting Coffee?
Board Nominations and Elections:
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of November 14, 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting: December 5, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
October, 2022
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2022
Joanna Bull, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, Linda Perrow, Carrie Glidden, Robin Merenda, & Melanie Jones
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:05 PM
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Jennifer motioned to adjourn at 7:18PM. Joanna seconded it.
President’s Report:
Joanna began the meeting by reading quotes that she had included on the meeting agenda.
Principal’s Report:
We have an upcoming Halloween walk and Halloween parade.
Patti will work on getting Joanna approved to be on the EES PTO bank account.
Winter sports: $3000 needed for transportation for 4 sessions of skiing; it cost EES $11,000 for the whole school to attend (parents to cover cost of each child); Kathy Mcguire helps with enrichment fund to offset funds/scholarship for needs of students for skiing with monetary hardship.
Treasurer’s Report (albeit no treasurer):
Financial update discussed among board members:
Current balance before Sept 2022 mums fundraiser was $10,282.40
$1,857 was deposited into account from the mums fundraiser (Sept 2022)
$477 was deposited into account from the Drakes Corner Effingham Street Dance - bake sale and student caricature drawings (October 2022)
Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the PTO meeting held on 9/19/22 were reviewed. Joanna made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Jennifer seconded the motion. All board members are in favor of accepting the minutes.
Title I:
Patti sent the Title I Program Evaluation out again via school messenger to parents in order to obtain additional feedback in September. his evaluation was followed up today. Linda expressed that academics is the most important to parents for this school year.
Old Business:
Mums sales increased this year. We will continue to use wholesaler (Key Floral) we used this year during next years fundraiser. We should purchase mums and asters. Their phone number is 603-629-2259.
Bake Sales:
We will request to town offices to run another bake sale on the voting day in November but no volunteers needed to run table. Will need to request baking donations.
PTO Fundraisers:
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct & Nov)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov) - orders due on 10th
Family Winter Dance (January )- ideas: photo booth, a craft, cornhole - projected date: Jan 10, 2023 (snow date Jan 17)
- Look into wreath fundraiser during August/September 2023
- Selling coffee, maybe Lucas Roasting Coffee?
Board Nominations and Elections:
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of September 17, 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting: November 14, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
September, 2022
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2022
Joanna Bull, Jennifer Williams, Stacey Farley, Patti Morrissey, Linda Perrow
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:04PM
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: Patti motioned to adjourn at 7:21PM
President's Report:
Joanna began the meeting by reading quotes that she had included on the meeting agenda.
Principal's Report:
We currently have 104 attending EES for the fall of 2022.
Picture Day was a success.
The new fire chief, JT Harmon came to be introduced and talked about fire safety.
Open house is to occur on September 22nd.
Treasurer's Report (albeit no treasurer):
Financial update discussed among board members:
$118 was donated to PTO b Hannaford Blooming Program - still out
Meeting Minutes:
The minutes of the PTO meeting held on 8/29/22 were reviewed. Joanna made the motion to accept the minutes as written. Stacey seconded the motion. All board members are in favor of accepting the minutes.
Jennifer made the motion to approve purchase of 80+ mums because of extra unexpected mums orders. Blank check approved from EES PTO checking account up to $1,200. Patti seconded the motion.
Linda made motion to approve PTO basic insurance with PTOToday. Joanna seconded the motion.
Title I:
Patti sent the Title I Program Evaluation out again via School Messenger to parents in order to obtain additional feedback. Follow up with Linda at October 17, 2022 meeting concerning parent feedback.
Old Business: N/A
Bake Sales:
Friend of Effingham Library (Katie McCarthy) reached out to ask PTO to run a bake sale for the upcoming Drakes Corner Effingham Street Dance of October 15, 2022. Joanna and parent volunteers to run table.
We will request to Town Offices to run another bake sale on the voting day in November but no volunteers needed to run table. Will need to request baking donations.
PTO Fundraisers:
Mums sales (Sept)
Bake sales (Oct & Nov)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)
Family Winter Dance (Jan)
Board Nominations and Elections:
No other letters of interest have been received at meeting date of September 17, 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
Next Meeting: October 17, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
August, 2022
Effingham Elementary School PTO Meeting Minutes
August 29, 2022
Physical Attendance:
Patti Morrisey, Noelle Dearborn, Jennifer Williams, Joanna Bull, Stacey Farley
Minutes Recorded by: Stacey Farley
Meeting called to order: 6:00pm
Expected Length: 1 hour
Motion to adjourn: 7:00pm
Meeting Minutes:
The Board voted to run mums fundraiser again for September 2022. The mums were purchased at $3.50 and will be selling for $7.00.
Meeting is set for September 19, 2022 for first official PTO meeting for staff and parents.
Treasurer’s Report: N/A
Principal’s Report: N/A
Old Business: N/A
Mum’s Fundraiser (Sept)
Pies at Thanksgiving (Nov)
Family Winter Dance (January)
Board Nominations and Elections:
No other letters of interest have been received at mtg date of August 2022
Volunteer Coordinator
New Business: N/A
Next Meeting: September 19 at 6:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Stacey Farley
If you have any questions, please contact: